Wednesday, November 14, 2007


As we head towards our annual fall feast of thanksgiving, and the weather starts to turn considerably colder, please give a thought for those who need a bit of help.
My favorite is the Acadiana food bank's Second Harvest program. This is thier website.
After hurricaine Katrina, the need for their services doubled, and it has still not diminished. New Orleans has always had it's share of poverty and of people living on the edge. Katrina pushed many over this edge, and fortunately, Second Harvest was (and is) there to help them.
They have a four-star rating by charity star, meaning that the money and goods donated go directly for their intended cause, not for bloated staff loads, promotional costs or "fundraising Events". It money given goes towards FOOD for people, and getting it to them.
They step in where our government has failed.

Please consider giving, to them, or to a local food bank or program.
Second Harvest is my choice, but there are many such places to choose from, which accept donations of money, food or your time with equal gratitude.
Life is hard, and only gets harder as winter sets in, and holiday advertisements kick off, sending odd, unrealistic messages of endless abundance, spending, and getting.

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