Monday, March 16, 2009

What to see in Oxford:

This is an exhibition I will be participating in, which will be on during the Oxford Literary festival. A group of artists were given books being "De-Accessioned" by The Oxford Library, to respond to in some way. The results are surprising....
If you are in the area, by all means stop by and see this most unusual celebration of books and Libraries.

Endnotes : unwrapping books
An unusual celebration of books and libraries

March 28 - April 26, 2009
Private View: March 27 6-8 pm
The 03 Gallery, Oxford Castle, Oxford UK

Featuring work by:
Marco Betti
Patricia Drew
Alan Franklin
Jim le Fevre
Joanna Gilmour
Laurence Halstead
Sally Howkins
Diane Jones-Parry
Martha Lewis
Mel/ Dominic Lash
David Stent
Chris Stubbs
Nichola Nixon
Karen Purple
Annabel Ralphs
Tom Ralphs Laman
Prue Robinson
Kate Willis

Curated by Diane Jones-Parry and Annabel Ralphs

GALLERY HOURS: Mon - Closed; Tues - Fri 12-5pm; Sat & Sun 11am-4pm

O3 Gallery, Oxford Castle, Oxford OX1 1AY, T: (011-44)(0)1865 246131,

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