Monday, November 3, 2008

Let the right one in, redux

"African-American Flag" by David Hammons
The end is nigh- we are almost there- No more George Bush!!!
OK, so there will be, in all likelihood, lots of squawking from the Republicans about alleged "voter fraud" and lots of attempts to get people's votes not to count.Let's make things as fair, transparent and clear as we can from the get-go, so that this ploy won't work.
Remember: "you can fool me once...."
NPR-bless them- had a story this morning about the National Campaign for Fair Elections, which has set up "Welcome to Our Vote Live", the official site documenting the groundbreaking voter assistance work of the Election Protection Coalition.
They offer an easy to use system for reporting irregularities, asking questions or seeking help with issues surrounding voting. The organization will offer a national hot line to answer voter questions and respond to problems, they also will use high-tech doohickeys like twitter to instantly connect you with help.
The official website is here- by all means go on it before you vote tomorrow!
At the very least:
to alert them directly and instantly about intimidation, irregularities and problems when voting. I am done with mysterious voting screw-ups and botched ballots. This allows us, the voters, to take control, to cleanly and accurately put a stop to irregularities as they happen- let's make it as hard as possible for them to to throw away our choices!
If you need more reasons/motivation to get up and out into the voting booth, check these fab photos of gov. Sarah Palin out. My fav. is the first one, with dead bear and stuffed crab, but frankly, they are all gems:

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