Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What to see and buy in NYC:

One way to beat the post-new year's blahs, and it's even affordable!

this event is fun, for a great cause, and you can take home cutting-edge contemporary art at rock-bottom prices. everyone wins, and who doesn't love THAT?

Postcards From the Edge benefiting Visual AIDS

Metro Pictures
519 West 24th Street, NYC

Saturday January 10, 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

$5 suggested admission

The annual display and sale of postcard-size artworks donated from 1,650 artists!

Donating artists include:

Martha Lewis, Alfredo Jaar, Cindy Sherman, RossBleckner, Kara Walker, Jeff Koons, Robert Longo, John Waters, CatherineOpie, Glenn Ligon, Tony Feher, Ann Hamilton, Kiki Smith, Nayland Blake, FredWilson, Mary Heilmann, David Armstrong, Carrie Mae Weems, Barton LidiceBenes, Adam Fuss, Jane Hammond, McDermott & McGough, Vito Acconci, JohnBaldessari, Louise Lawler, Marcel Dzama, Patty Chang, Paul Pfeiffer, T.J.Wilcox, Marilyn Minter, Kate Shepherd, Arturo Herrera, Julie Mehretu, EmilyJacir, Jack Pierson, Barry McGee, Slava Mogutin, Rirkrit Tiravanija,Lawrence Weiner, Annie Sprinkle, William Wegman, Yoko Ono, and many, many more.

A list of all donating artists will be distributed at the Benefit Sale

The Benefit Sale -- ONE DAY ONLY!

Saturday, January 10, 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

All works are only $75 EACH.

Buy four, get one free.

Works are signed onthe back and displayed anonymously.

Artists' identities revealed only after purchase.

First-come, first served.

$5 suggested admission

The Preview Party

Friday, January 9, 6:00 - 8:00 PM

$75 admission* includes one raffle ticket.

Additional raffle tickets $20.

Your only chance to get a sneak peek at the entire show!

No sales, but one lucky raffle winner selects the first postcard.

More prizes: the new Rizzoli Keith Haring book, a signed Cindy Sherman catalog, artist multiples fromARTWARE editions and Tulip Enterprises.

Special hosts: The Imperial Court of New York.

Plus a silent art auction.

Wine courtesy of Wine & SpiritsMagazine

*Admission for donating artists is waived

All proceeds support the work of Visual AIDS utilizing contemporary art forAIDS advocacy and historicizing the work of HIV-positive artists whileoffering career support



Still have questions?

Call Visual AIDS: 212-627-9855

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