I have taken the very tentative step of offering one digital print up for sale on Etsy. This work was made entirely digitally and was printed out on very lovely cotton paper using a rather swish printer. It's colors are rich and velvety and matte, I am really quite happy with the quality.
As most of my work takes months to make, and there is only one at the end, printmaking seemed a natural satellite project. Now that I have a tablet and high end equipment at my disposal, working digitally seemed a logical choice given my subject matter, the peripatetic nature of my existence, and my own inclinations: loved doing silkscreen, loathed etching and lithography. This print has the qualities I cherish in silkscreen, and I am looking forward to doing more- I think they may end up being like sketches for bigger works, even.
The image shown,as-621
is number 2 out of 10 made, and is 11 x17 including white border.
This print uses imagery taken from radio diagrams, floor plans and the spiral sequence of a sunflower. I am offering it for $300. plus shipping/handling.
The link to the site is on the information bar to the right of this post, or click here. I will add more bit by bit, but am jealous of my studio time and am proceeding with caution. I have seen the spoof site, Regretsy, and know all to well what happens to those who do not tread lightly!
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