“On Limits of Wireless Communications in a Fading Environment when Using Multiple Antennas, or the Ecstasy of Communication” Shopping Tote-
(Note: This is not an actual image of the product, and the product may vary due to silkscreen quality. This is a comp I put together on photo-shop to give a rough likeness..)
I am one of several area artists Artspace New Haven contacted to make limited-edition multiples for sale on their site as a fundraiser for the gallery. There are mock-ups of the items on their site now, as the actual items are still in the works being printed. Works include a t-shirt by Phil Lique, a beer koozie by Max Toth, and a bag by me.
When I was offered the possibility to do the tote bag I was delighted- I have always wanted to do a multiple, and have a collection of those cotton shopping bags from various venues that I use all the time. It is an object whose purchase saves using up other objects (disposable bags), and is something supremely practical. This may be an art object, but it is one meant to be used and enjoyed for what it is: a receptacle, a repository for things brought and collected over the days journey.
When thinking about this project, I wanted to make something funny, smart and non-gender specific, that would directly relate to the idea of, the content behind, “shopping bag”. I started conceptually with the notion of “screens”: the canvas of the bag as canvas screen for messages or imagery, the process of Silk-screening to print an image relating to media display screens now ubiquitous with cell phones and other hand-held communication devices. Style-wise it references Andy Warhol and the aesthetic of punk/ new wave album covers from the 70’s and 80’s, using saturated, soda pop colors. After all, a shopping bag should be fun, should inspire USE.
The imagery was derived from collaging together, among other things, TV test screen patterns, dial phones, key board touch pads, engine diagrams, computer motherboards, warning signs, symbols and punctuation. I liked the high tech /low tech dichotomy which resulted from combining the visuals with the prosaic nature of the plain canvas shopping bag. This assemblage of past, present and future technologies, on an item meant for shopping and purchased goods comments-playfully-on the intertwined relations between consumption, consumer culture and the technology of communications.
This is my first foray into the world of commercially produced multiples using my artwork, but I don't think it will be my last. I like how affordable it is- it sells for a pleasing $30- and the idea of being able to make something that is for everyday use and supports environmentally friendly behavior.
I am strongly considering an image for a stainless-steel water bottle, but am open to suggestions- let me know your ideas!.
Tote Bag is available for $30.00 from the Artspace shop website at
: http://artspacenh.org/shop.asp,
All proceeds go to Artspace to support their exhibitions and programs.
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