Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Routes due to open soon...

For the past few days I have been in the gallery installing work for this show, which looks like it's really going to be terrific. Curator Debbie Hesse has found some interesting artists, many of whom are making site-specific works for this show.

My contribution is a long scroll piece with fuzzy chenille yarn bits coming off of it, which loop themselves around elements in the room meant to be ignored in most gallery settings. Alarm system boxes, sprinklers, light switches, heating vents and such. I will also have two panel paintings strategically placed next to the fire extinguishers( I should have pictures to update this soon).

The show is in the renovated remains of a parachute factory, and also houses the Yale Program for Recovery. It is a huge space riddled with a maze of ceiling ducts and columns. This makes it an intriguing site to place work in- it is easy for things to get lost or dwarfed. I like the idea of my art reaching new audiences, and having something different to look at will most likely be appreciated by the many clients of this program.

This is the inaugural exhibition in this space, so there is lots of excitement surrounding the project which adds a certain frisson to the whole thing!

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