Monday, October 12, 2009

film screening and artist talk, thursday oct. 15!

Artspace in New Haven is hosting an artist talk and film screening evening on Thursday, October 15, from 7-8pm. The event is free and open to the public.

Martha Lewis will introduce Swiss artists’ Peter Fischli and David Weiss’ film, “The Way Things Go” (1987). In their masterful film, everyday objects crash, scrape, slide, or fly into one another with devastating, impossible, and persuasive effect.

Viewers find themselves witnessing a spectacle that seems both prehistoric and post apocalyptic, and above all, absurd and completely entertaining. Please come out to Artspace to share this masterpiece with us and celebrate both The Weekend Inventor and Dispersion !

ARTSPACE 50 Orange St at the corner of Orange and Crown New Haven, CT 06510-3107 (203) 772-2709

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